How to Order Securely from Asos and Ensure your Order is Received in Nigeria

Hello guys, this is a post to tell you all about my shopping experience online, A lotta people tell me to order items for them online because they are scared for one reason or the other. I'm writing this post to help you get familiar with the procedures for a safe and great online shopping experience. I'm using ASOS cause it's one of my favorite online shops and they are internationally friendly in the sense that they ship directly to Nigeria unlike most stores where you'd have to get a U.S address and get them to ship it there and then ship it to Nigeria, those long processes would discourage and stress you out and also when using a U.S address, it takes time, about a month or two.

Here are the Advantages of Asos

- their items are very affordable 
- they ship directly to Nigeria
- they have great customer service 
- if your order doesn't get to you, they would send you another 
- if your order gets damaged, they would send you another.

Here are good procedures to take when ordering.

Get a MasterCard or VisaCard from your bank.

Next and Very Important, get a Paypal account and link your MasterCard or Visa Card to it. PayPal recently unbanned Nigeria cause we've been on the list f Banned countries for years. Reason we got banned was because Nigerians were scamming foreigners on EBay and after too many complaints , they banned Us. So, please use PayPal for good purposes cause it's a great service. Here's why you should use PayPal for shopping online. What PayPal does is that whenever you buy online, they hold the money with them just incase you don't receive your product and after reviewing the case, they could refund your money to you after they've confirmed that you really haven't received the money. The chances of getting scammed when using PayPal is very slim. Your money is in safe hands when using PayPal. 

Next is to know your address and Postal code. This is very important , this is how lots of Packages get missing. Good thing is that we can get to know the postal address of your area by going to Most people put 12345 or 00000, this isn't right at all. It isn't even close to being right. Having the right postal address makes them know the nearest post office to deliver your order to.

With these things in order, you can safely order what you want! 

Amazon also has great items but they only ship books and CDs to Nigeria. If it's clothing items or gadgets, they don't allow shipping to Nigeria. To order from Amazon or any of those other sites which don't ship to Nigeria, you have to go through a long process of getting a US address and they have to send it there, then it will be shipped to you once they get the package at the US address. This whole process could take about 2 or more months.

But there's a new service called mall for Africa which collects your order for you and bring its to Nigeria, they are more secure than the whole getting a U.S. address process. They have several pickup locations/offices in several states in Nigeria. I will talk about them in an upcoming post 


IK is a Fashion and Lifestyle blogger currently living in Lagos, Nigeria. Feel free to look around and say hi.


  1. Thanks alot, this post is very helpful. your pictures are so clear. Keep doing the good work.

    1. Thank you Lilian. I'm glad you found it helpful. You have an amazing Blog also.
